On the 6th of July, 2024, I was part of a workshop about genetics research for high school students at the Amsterdam University Medical Centre in collaboration with Giving Back Nederland. The theme of the workshop was ‘Does your DNA determine who you are?’.
After an introduction about genetics research and the importance of considerations surrounding ancestry and identity, the students split up in groups for smaller activities. Students could isolate their own DNA (and take it home), discuss ethical questions surrounding genetics research, and follow an introduction to programming and ‘big data’ analyses in genetics.
This last activity was my responsibility. The students took a closer look at the data that is used in genetics research and learned how to make an interactive Manhattan plot. This is a plot type that displays results of association studies. The students worked enthusiastically on the practical and asked many questions about how you can learn to code, how AI is involved in the field, and how ethical issues come into play in this type of research.

In the last part of the workshop, the students visited the experimental cardiology lab to learn about microscopy used to study slices of mouse hearts and beating heart cells.
The workshop was made extra fun by the enthusiasm of the students and I look forward to being part of this workshop again next year!
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